Everyone wants to make better photo's of their family and friends during this time of year. So here is my short list for how to do just that.
1. Get closer to the person your taking the photo of. It is after all Christmas our homes are full of decorations and such that are often very colorful and in a photo can be very distracting. So make sure that if your photo is of little Johnny opening his present that your photo is of little Johnny and not the Christmas tree with little Johnny sitting in front of it out of focus because the tree was the main area of focus. Getting closer can also help prevent that odd object extruding from someones head. You don't want to have a flower or candle growing from Grammy's head.
2. Get down on your subjects level. Little Abbie has a cute smile but you would never know that looking at a photo of the top of her head. Get down their with them (in a lot of cases this will get you closer too)then your picture will include that great little smile.