hiking this last weekend.... Well maybe that should say really cold hiking. Either way I had a ball doing it!
You know how you have those ideals in your head that you would really like to get a shot of this or be able to take that photo? Well this was my chance. I love walking along the Appalachian trail and have often thought that it would be cool to get photos of several different places a long the trail if it were covered in snow. So when the snow hit my mind was churning. I probably had smoke coming out of my ears. One of the main places I wanted to visit was the Hawks Ridge shelter on the AT. So I packed up my FStop bag and headed off.
This would be one of those days that you really would ne

Now it was time to head on out to my destination. I wanted to get a shot of the Hawks Ridge shelter all covered in snow. The photo above is of me heading back to the truck after making it to my destination to take the following shot. In all just being out on the trail was worth the effort but actually getting the shot I wanted was very cool. You can't ask for much more than that!