Sunday, January 31, 2010

Here is my Bio for the Show that is opening this week at the Bowen Center for the Arts in Dawsonville, Georgia. I would like to thank Jennifer Julian for all of her hard work. With out it this show would have not been possible.

Bryan Elliott has been a photographer since 2007, when he took his first nature photograph. He has studied with Richard Bernabe at the Nantahala Outdoor Center, and is presently enrolled in the Photography Certificate Program at North Georgia College & State University where he is scheduled to graduate this May. Mr. Elliott enjoys photographing events and has volunteered his time to several Appalachian Community Bank Holiday Celebrations and to various Eagle Scout ceremonies. Elliott’s traditional landscape work has evolved into more a painterly and dreamy landscape world. “This work”, he says, “might be what you’d see if you ever looked at your day to day travels from a different perspective. I enjoy finding a different view of things.”

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shooting Live Concert.

I had an opportunity to shoot a live show this past Sunday night. It was a lot of fun several of the groups that preformed were really quite good. I was really impressed with the group that I was there to shoot. Come to find out this was there first time preforming together and they really did great!

Problem is for shooting in this situation lighting is awful. Not just bad but really bad and the subjects are moving sometimes at a fast pace. Then you get the red stage lights and that makes for an interesting tint on the photos.

In the image above is Anthony Baxter to hear some of his music click here.

For more photos from this show click here