Monday, July 27, 2009

Magazines to the Rescue!

Friday evening in oh so very cool way I hurt my back. For most of my life I have been in fairly good shape riding mountain bikes of late and any activity I could find during my younger years. I have been fairly lucky never to have fallen to serious injury. Well if you have never had back issues let me be the first to tell you so count your blessings. It SUCKS BAD!

The good thing is that I just got some new magazines in mail so I had some good reading material on hand and since I wasn't going out I actually read them. They usually lay around the house for me to pick up once an a while and glance through. I now know why I subscribe to them. These things are very informative. I learned a lot of cool tricks this weekend. So that layers mag that I buy is really worth the money. WOO HOO!

Friday, July 24, 2009


New blog here!!!! This is exciting. What do I do now?